March 19, 2020


(SoulFood CoffeeHouse has cancelled all March events; these featured readers will be rescheduled)

Raúl Sánchez is the newest City of Redmond poet laureate, for 2019–2021. He teaches poetry in Spanish at Evergreen High School through the Seattle Arts and Lectures (WITS) program, also at Denny International Middle School through the Jack Straw Educational Project and volunteers for Pongo Teen Writing at the Juvenile Detention Center. Currently he is translating Ellen Ziegler’s book for the Museum of Antique Mexican Toys. His poetry book, All Our Brown-Skinned Angels, was published by MoonPath Press in 2012. Visit Raúl at his website.

Kelle Grace Gaddis, MFA, is the author of My Myths (Yellow Chair Review, 2017) and When I’m Not Myself (Cyberwit, 2019). Other works appear in BlazeVOX, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Rhetoric Askew, Dispatch Editions, Entropy, DoveTales, and elsewhere. She is honored to be a 4Culture “Poetry on the Buses” poet in 2015 and 2017 and a National Fiction War prize-winner in 2018. She has also published three Shake the Tree anthologies with her press, Brightly Press.

See the Facebook event.