March 15, 2018 — Ice Cream Poems Anthology

Tonight’s reading features ten contributors to Ice Cream Poems: Reflections on Life with Ice Cream, edited by Patricia Fargnoli. World Enough Writers published this anthology in 2017. And yes, we’ll be having ice cream!See Facebook event.

Readers: Anita K. Boyle, Nancy Canyon, John Davis, Thom Schramm, Harvey Schwartz, Heidi Seaborn, Mary Ellen Talley, Julene Tripp Weaver, and Michael Dylan Welch

Anita K. Boyle is a poet, artist, and publisher from Bellingham who eats two scoops of ice cream every night just before bedtime. Her website is

Nancy Canyon has published in Raven Chronicles, Floating Bridge Review, Clover, and elsewhere. She holds the MFA in creative writing from Pacific Lutheran University.

John Davis is the author of Gigs and The Reservist. His work appears in Cloudbank, DMQ Review, and One. He teaches high school and performs in blues bands.

Thom Schramm’s works include The Leaf Blower (a poetry chapbook) and Living in Storms: Contemporary Poetry and the Moods of Manic-Depression (a poetry anthology).

Young Harvey Schwartz agonized over spending allowance on a banana split. He pocketed the kind offering given by an onlooker and bought an ice cream cone. Ouch!

Heidi Seaborn started writing poetry in 2016. Her work appears in more than fifty journals and anthologies. Heidi’s chapbook, Finding My Way Home, was just published by Finishing Line Press.

Mary Ellen Talley’s poems have recently been published in U City Review, Raven Chronicles, and Ekphrastic Review, and in the anthologies The Doll Collection and The Way to My Heart.

Julene Tripp Weaver’s favorite ice cream flavor is nocino, made from black walnuts. Truth Be Bold: Serenading Life & Death in the Age of AIDS was published by Finishing Line Press in 2017.

Michael Dylan Welch has served two terms as Redmond poet laureate, and his website is His favourite ice cream is pralines and cream, but plain vanilla with orange soda is great too.