December 15, 2016 — Duvall Poetry

Duvall Poetry meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Duvall Library at 15508 Main Street NE in—you guessed it—Duvall, Washington. It has a lively group of 15 to 25 people who attend most readings. Visit the group’s website. But don’t go to Duvall for this reading, go to SoulFood CoffeeHouse in Redmond—see directions.Reading for Duvall Poetry are Katherine Grace Bond, Mary Eliza Crane, Pamela Denchfield, and Shane Guthrie

Katherine Grace Bond has written The Summer of No Regrets, Luke’s Journal, The Legend of the Valentine, and three poetry collections. Her work has appeared in Arabesques, Five Willows, Beyond, Peculiar Pilgrims (Hourglass Books), and Here, There, and Everywhere (RASP). She’s been a SAM Word poet, a Jack Straw Writer, and a 4Culture grant recipient. Her website is

Mary Eliza Crane lives in the woods northeast of Duvall, and writes poetry that fuses the natural, political, and personal world. A regular feature at poetry venues in the Puget Sound region, she has two volumes of poetry published by Gazoobi Tales Publishing, and her work has appeared in several journals and anthologies.

Pamela Denchfield came of age surrounded by downtrodden locals and recent immigrants in project housing on the banks of Cedar River. She continues to live in the Seattle area despite her historically impetuous decisions, such as irrational rafting trips and eating questionable Cambodian delicacies. The river visits her often in her dreams. Her website is

Shane Guthrie currently lives in the beautiful Snoqualmie Valley in the town of Duvall, Washington. He’s been writing poetry since 1993 and doesn’t seem to be able to stop. His other hobbies include hiking, playing board games, gardening, and acrylic painting.