August 16, 2018 — “Shake the Tree” Anthology

Brightly Press produces an annual anthology called Shake the Tree. This collection features novel excerpts, poetry, literary fiction, and essays with no unifying theme other than all of its writers are either at the top of their literary games or currently on their way.

Readers: Kelle Grace Gaddis, Jeannine Hall Gailey, Clare Johnson, Sam Ligon, and Carolyne Wright

Kelle Grace Gaddis’s work has appeared in My Myths (Yellow Chair Review), and in BlazeVOX, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Rhetoric Askew, and Entropy. She was a “Poetry on the Buses” winner in 2015 and 2017.

Jeannine Hall Gailey served as the second poet laureate of Redmond, Washington. Her fifth poetry book, Field Guide to the End of the World, won the Moon City Press Book Prize and the Science Fiction Poetry Association’s Elgin Award.

Clare Johnson’s honors include a Michael S. Harper Poetry Prize, Jack Straw fellowship, and Allied Arts Foundation Emerging Artist grand prize. Her Post-it Note Project has featured in various Seattle publications. Clare’s website is

Samuel Ligon’s most recent books of fiction are Wonderland and Among the Dead and Dreaming. He teaches at Eastern Washington University and is artistic director of the Port Townsend Writers’ Conference.

Carolyne Wright’s new book is This Dream the World: New & Selected Poems (Lost Horse Press, 2017). Her anthology, Raising Lilly Ledbetter: Women Poets Occupy the Workspace (Lost Horse, 2015), received ten Pushcart nominations.