December 17, 2015

Sean Bentley’s work has appeared in more than a hundred journals and anthologies. His three collections are Grace & Desolation (Cune Press), Instances (Confluence Press), and Into the Bright Oasis (Jawbone Press). Coeditor of the award-winning poetry journal Fine Madness from 1986 to 2006, he currently works as a technical writer and editor.

Emily Warn has earned degrees from Kalamazoo College and the University of Washington. Her full-length collections of poetry include The Leaf Path (1982), The Novice Insomniac (1996), and Shadow Architect (2008). She has published two chapbooks, The Book of Esther (1986) and Highway Suite (1987), and is the founding editor of Warn’s poems and criticism have been published widely in journals and magazines, including Bookforum, Blackbird, Jacket2, Parabola, The Seattle Times, Poetry, The Writers’ Almanac, The Bloomsbury Review, and The Stranger. She is a former Wallace Stegner fellow and has held writer-in-residence positions at institutions such as the Bush School in Seattle, Sun Valley Center for the Arts, Centrum Foundation, and Wurlitzer Foundation in Taos, New Mexico. Emily divides her time between Seattle and Twisp, Washington. Her website is