October 8, 2015

Carol Levin has published two full volumes of poetry, Confident Music Would Fly Us to Paradise (MoonPath Press, 2014) and Stunned By the Velocity (Pecan Grove Press, 2012), and two chapbooks, Red Rooms and Others (Pecan Grove Press, 2009) and Sea Lions Sing Scat (Finishing Line Press, 2007). Recent poems appear in The Tampa Review, 4Culture Poetry on Buses, String Poet, and Floating Bridge Review. Her work has been widely published in journals and anthologies, in print and online, in Russia, New Zealand, and the United States. She’s an editorial assistant at Crab Creek Review and teaches The Breathing Lab / Alexander Technique, in Seattle.

Annette Spaulding-Convy is a poet and editor in the Seattle area. Her full-length collection, In Broken Latin, is published by the University of Arkansas Press as a finalist for the Miller Williams Poetry Prize. Her chapbook, In the Convent We Become Clouds, won the Floating Bridge Press Chapbook Award and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She was chosen for the Jack Straw Writer's Program and is a recipient of an Artist Trust GAP Grant and an Artist Trust Fellowship Award. She is cofounder and coeditor of Two Sylvias Press and is the past coeditor of the literary journal, Crab Creek Review.