May 21, 2015

Larry Crist lives in Seattle and is originally from Humboldt County in California. He has also lived in Chicago, Houston, and London, as well as Philadelphia where he attended Temple University and received an MFA in theatre. He’s been widely published. Undertow Overtures is Larry’s first poetry collection, published by ATOM and available through Amazon and select Northwest bookstores. Larry was in the Jack Straw Writer’s Program in 2013 and has received three Pushcart nominations.

Christine Clarke is a molecular biologist and poet who currently resides in Seattle, Washington. Her award-winning poetry has been published in DMQ Review, Clover, Randomly Accessed Poetics, Highland Park Poetry, and Storm Cycle 2013: The Best of Kind of a Hurricane Press. She lives with a collection of oddly named cacti, has too many books on her nightstand, and enjoys the antics of the crows, jays, and hummingbirds on her deck.