March 19, 2015

Tina Schumann won the Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize for her manuscript As If (Split Oak Press). She received the American Poet Prize and her work was named a finalist in the National Poetry Series and the Poetry Contest. Tupelo Press listed her full manuscript as a “remarkable work” in their open reading period. She holds an MFA from Pacific Lutheran University and has received a Pushcart nomination. Her poems have appeared in such journals as American Poetry Journal, Ascent, Cimarron Review, Crab Creek Review, Midwest Quarterly, Parabola, Poemeleon, Poetry International, San Pedro River Review, and the Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine.

Ann Batchelor Hursey’s poems have appeared in Cascadia Review, Poemeleon, Crab Creek Review, and Floating Bridge Review, among other publications. Her poem, “What Lay Open,” was nominated by Penduline Press for Best of the Net (2012). Ann has taught creative writing to young writers with Powerful Schools and at the Richard Hugo House. A graduate of the Rainier Writing Workshop MFA at Pacific Lutheran University, Ann has been awarded writing residencies with the Jack Straw Writer’s Program, Hypatia-in-the-Woods (Shelton, Washington) and Soapstone: A Writing Retreat for Women (Oregon). Ann’s first poetry collection, A Certain Hold, was published in 2014 by Finishing Line Press.