October 30, 2014

Michael Spence drove public-transit buses in the Seattle area for thirty years, a job he retired from on Valentine’s Day in 2014. His poems have appeared recently or are forthcoming in The Hudson Review, The Sewanee Review, Shenandoah, The Southern Review, and Tampa Review. His fourth book, The Bus Driver’s Threnody, was published in September 2014 by Truman State University Press (15 percent discount if you order through the press website). He was recently awarded a 2014 Literary Fellowship from Artist Trust of Washington State.

Judith Skillman is the author of fourteen collection of poetry and a “how to”: Broken Lines: The Art & Craft of Poetry. Her poems and collaborative translations have appeared in Poetry, Field, Seneca Review, The Iowa Review, Southern Review, Ezra, Pirene’s Fountain, and other journals and anthologies. Skillman is the recipient of an Eric Mathieu King Fund Award from the Academy of American Poets for Storm, Blue Begonia Press. She has taught at City University, Richard Hugo House, and elsewhere. Angles of Separation, her newest book, is available from Glass Lyre Press, at www.glasslyrepress.com or visit www.judithskillman.com.