May 15, 2014

Leonard Orr is a professor of English at Washington State University, Vancouver. He is the author or editor of thirteen books of literary criticism or critical theory. His poetry has appeared in many journals including Black Warrior Review, Rattle, Poetry International, Poetry East, Natural Bridge, and Rosebud. WordTech/Cherry Grove published his book-length collections Why We Have Evening in 2010 and Timing Is Everything in 2012. He has been a featured reader at many venues, and has led poetry workshops at the Burning Word poetry festival, LitFuse, and elsewhere.

Joannie Stangeland is the author of In Both Hands and Into the Rumored Spring, both published by Ravenna Press, as well as two chapbooks—Weathered Steps and A Steady Longing for Flight. Joannie’s poems have appeared in Superstition Review, Crab Creek Review, First Water: Best of Pirene’s Fountain, and other journals and anthologies. Her website is