January 16, 2014

Jennifer Bullis grew up in Reno, Nevada, earned a Ph.D. in English at UC Davis, and taught at Whatcom Community College for fourteen years. Her poems appear in Iron Horse Literary Review, Natural Bridge, Conversations Across Borders, Cascadia Review, The Comstock Review, and Floating Bridge Review/Pontoon. The poems in her collection Impossible Lessons, published by MoonPath Press in 2013, engage “leaf and stem and longing,” explore “seasons of loss,” and trace the “long kindnesses” of family. She continues to live in Bellingham with her husband, son, and horses.

Bethany Reid’s poetry has appeared in Superstition Review, A Room of One’s Own, Prairie Schooner, Pontoon, and many other journals. In 2011, her poem “The Apple Orchard” won the Lois Cranston Prize, and her latest book, Sparrow, won the Gell Poetry Prize 2012. She lives in Edmonds with her husband and three daughters. She blogs at www.awritersalchemy.wordpress.com.