October 17, 2013

Molly Tenenbaum is the author of The Cupboard Artist (Floating Bridge, 2012), Now (Bear Star Press, 2007), and By a Thread (Van West & Co, 2000), as well as several chapbooks. Honors include a Hedgebrook residency, a 2009 Washington State Artist Trust Fellowship, and a 2013 4Culture grant to collaborate with artist Ellen Ziegler on a book about ventriloquism. She also plays Appalachian banjo and fiddle music; her CDs are Instead of a Pony and Goose & Gander. She lives in Seattle and at www.mollytenenbaum.com.

T. Clear grew up in the rural wilds of East King County, in the company of nettles and fiddlehead ferns, where as a child she spent many an hour in the uppermost branches of a big-leaf maple, singing hymns. Her work has appeared in many magazines, including Poetry Northwest, Atlanta Review, Slipstream, Seattle Review, andCascadia Review. Her first full-length collection, Dusk, is forthcoming from Floating Bridge Press. She currently manages the production and shipping of a glass-art business in her Southeast Seattle neighborhood.