October 18, 2012

Rick Clark

Rick Clark is an English instructor at Seattle Central Community College, a freelance writer and poet, and editor of CORRelations: Newsletter of COR Northwest Family Development Center. Recently, the documentary Beauty of the Fight, whose script he wrote, has been selected by 28 film festivals and won two prizes. Several of Rick’s poems can be found in Many Trails to the Summit, the Rose Alley Press anthology of Northwest poets.

Douglas Cole

Douglas Cole earned a Bachelor’s degree in literature at San Diego State University and a Master’s in Creative Writing at Western Washington University. He teaches at Seattle Central Community College. Some of his work can be found in The Connecticut River Review, Louisiana Literature, Cumberland Poetry Review, and Midwest Quarterly. He has work available online as well in The Adirondack Review, Salt River Review, Avatar Review, and recorded a story for Bound Off. Work is forthcoming in the Red Rock Review and a novella to be issued as a chapbook in the Overtime series of Workers Write Journal. He received the Leslie Hunt Memorial Prize in Poetry for a selection called, “The Open Ward,” a Best of Poetry Award from Clapboard House, and First Prize in the “Picture Worth 500 Words” poetry contest run by Tattoo Highway.