May 17, 2012

Vinnie Kinsella

Vinnie Kinsella has built a career out of playing with words (both his and others). He is the publisher of the short-form poetry journal Four and Twenty, an instructor in the publishing program at Portland State University, a freelance editor, and a consultant for independent publishers. His writing has appeared in several print and online newspapers, magazines, and literary journals. As a poet, his approach to writing is simple: take what is known and say it in an unknown way.

Kay Tracy

Kay Tracy is an associate editor for Four and Twenty. She mixes the fountains of youth and aging by teaching children how to write, publish literary magazines, and make books. Finding ways to use Four and Twenty in the classroom is her newest hobby. She wrote and designed her first chapbook, Garage Sale, in 2011, and has poems published in Four and Twenty, Magnapoets, and soon to be in Haibun Today. Visit her blog.