November 18, 2010

Jody A. Zorgdrager holds an MFA from Warren Wilson, and received an Individual Artist Grant from the Commission on the Arts in Connecticut, where she grew up. The Backwaters Press published her first volume of poetry, Of Consequence, in October 2008. Her poems have appeared in many journals, including Ploughshares, Michigan Quarterly Review, Antioch Review, Mid-American Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, Sycamore Review, and elsewhere. KUOW and The Seattle Times also have featured her writing. She works and lives in Washington state; in the summer, she returns to New England to vacation on the Cape with her extended family.

Anne M. Doe Overstreet’s work has previously appeared in journals such as DMQ Review, Relief, Talking River Review, Cranky, and Radix. She’s a Soapstone Resident and a Pushcart Award nominee and has taught workshops locally on building a long-term writing practice, journaling to create poems, and the power of repetition. She keeps the cats in cat food by working as a freelance editor and as a private gardener.