February 18, 2010

David D. Horowitz founded and manages Rose Alley Press, which primarily publishes books featuring Pacific Northwest rhymed metrical poetry. His new poetry collection, from Rose Alley Press, is Stars Beyond the Battlesmoke. Other collections from Rose Alley include Wildfire, Candleflame; Resin from the Rain; and Streetlamp, Treetop, Star. Many of his poems have been published in fine literary journals, such as The Lyric, Candelabrum, and The New Formalist. His essays often appear in Exterminating Angel. In 2005, he won the PoetsWest Achievement Award. In 2007 he edited and published the poetry anthology Limbs of the Pine, Peaks of the Range. His website is www.rosealleypress.com.

Donald Kentop’s diverse poetry has appeared in Mute Note Earthward, Tattoos on Cedar, Cascade, the 2004 Jack Straw Anthology, Chrysanthemum, Limbs of the Pine, Peaks of the Range, and the last two issues of Drash. He was a Seattle Poet Populist finalist in 2005 and in 2008 was selected as a finalist for Garrison Keillor’s Bed of Roses Love Sonnet Contest drawing. In 2004, Rose Alley Press published his chapbook, On Paper Wings. Don has poems pending publication for Rose Alley Press, Drash, and the Washington Poets Association’s Cascade. For the past four years, he has curated a popular reading at the Fremont Public Library.