May 21, 2009

Ce Rosenow’s poetry has appeared in journals including Fireweed, Hummingbird, Modern Haiku, and Origin. Her books and chapbooks include The Backs of Angels, Even If, North Lake, and A Year Longer, and she is one of the eight authors of Beyond Within: A Collection of Rengay. She is the former coeditor of Northwest Literary Forum and Portlandia Review of Books and is currently the publisher of Mountains and Rivers Press in Eugene. Ce teaches literature in the Clark Honors College at the University of Oregon.

Laura Winter’s poetry collections include Coming Here to Be Alone, 2008; Sleeping Leaves, 2002; Not Gone / Just Not Here, 2001; No Gravy Baby, 2000; Skin into Dust, 1994; and Stone Fog, 1987. Her love for improvised music, including the tension it creates between sound, words, and silence, informs the use of language in her poetry. Winter’s poems have been used as liner notes for CDs and set to music by composers. Her poetry and music projects include work with Vinny Golia, Torsten Mueller, Garth Powell, Rob Blakeslee, Billy Mintz, and Michael Bisio. She currently publishes Take Out, a bag-a-zine of art, writing, and music.