October 16, 2008

Vashon Island writer Ann Spiers’ most recent publication is Long Climb into Grace, part of FootHills Publishing’s “Poets on Peace Series.” Other chapbooks include Tide Turn and Volcano Blue from May Day Press and The Herodotus Poems from Brooding Heron Press on Waldron Island. Ann earns her living freelance writing for environmental projects and leading creative writing seminars in diverse venues. She earned an MA in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Washington. She has founded and edited literary journals, produced and hosted radio shows, and her poetry and essays are published widely.

Robert McNamara’s most recent poetry book is The Body & the Day, from David Roberts Books, 2007. The Cat Under the Stairs, with Sarat Mukhopadhyay, will be published by Eastern Washington University in a bilingual edition in the fall of 2008. Robert has a website, with sample poems and translations, at http://faculty.washington.edu/rmcnamar/.