September 18, 2008

James Bertolino is a widely published poet and prose writer, and his work has appeared in Ploughshares, Poetry, Notre Dame Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Prairie Schooner, Indiana Review, Paris Review, and many other magazines. His poetry has been reprinted internationally in anthologies from India, Italy, Great Britain, and the U.S., including Century: 100 Major Modern Poets, published in England. Nine of his volumes have issued from such publishers as Copper Canyon Press, Carnegie Mellon University Press, and the Quarterly Review of Literature Award Series. Egress Studio Press released his Pocket Animals: 60 Poems in 2002. For 2005–2006 he was Writer in Residence at Willamette University in Oregon. He has since retired.

Anita K. Boyle’s poems have appeared in Indiana Review, StringTown, The Raven Chronicles, Spoon River Poetry Review, Crab Creek Review, and other publications, and are included in the anthology Red Sky Morning. Boyle has received a Willard R. Espy Literary Foundation residency in Oysterville, Washington. She is a freelance graphic designer, and the publisher/editor of Egress Studio Press.