August 21, 2008

Janet Norman Knox is a seven-time Pushcart nominee and 2007 finalist for the Discovery/The Nation Award. Her poems have appeared in literary journals such as Crab Creek Review, Rhino, Diner, Seattle Review, Adirondack Review, Poetry Southeast, Cranky Literary Journal, Red Mountain Review, and Diagram. Her chapbook, Eastlake Cleaners When Quality & Price Count [a romance] received the Editor’s award (Concrete Wolf, 2007). Educated at Yale University and the University of Auckland, New Zealand, she is an environmental geochemist, bicycle commuter, mother of three teenagers, and wife of Northwest painter, Tom Fehsenfeld.

John Davis teaches writing, performs in a rock-reggae-blues band, and lives with his wife and two daughters. His work has appeared in many journals including Cream City Review, Cutbank, Jeopardy, The Laurel Review, Lullwater Review, New Delta Review, New Mexico Humanities Review, The North American Review, Passages North, Poetry Northwest, The Seattle Review, and Southeast Review Sycamore Review. He has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. A chapbook, The Reservist, appears from Pudding House Press. He formerly edited The Duckabush Journal.