September 20, 2007

Kelli Russell Agodon ( is the author of two poetry books, Small Knots and Geography, winner of the Floating Bridge Press Chapbook Award. She has received two Washington State Artist Trust GAP grant awards, and a Puffin Foundation grant as an editor for the broadside series, The Making of Peace. Her poems have appeared journals such as the Atlantic Monthly, Prairie Schooner, The North American Review, Crab Orchard Review, and on NPR’s “The Writer’s Almanac” with Garrison Keillor.

Ann Batchelor Hursey’s poems have been selected to ride above the passenger seats on Seattle Metro Buses. Other poems appear in journals such as the Seattle Review, Pontoon, Chrysanthemum, and Exhibition. She was a Jack Straw Writer (2001) and awarded a residency at Soapstone (2004). Ann has taught creative writing through residencies with Powerful Writers in Seattle Public Schools and as an arts educator/creative writing specialist.

This reading was rescheduled from December 14, 2006, which had been cancelled due to a snowstorm.