February 15, 2007

Jenifer Browne Lawrence was born in California in 1958. Raised in Alaska, she currently lives in Poulsbo, Washington. Jenifer is a 2006 Artist Trust GAP grant recipient. She has received the Potomac Review’s Annual Poetry Award and has been a finalist for the James Hearst Poetry Prize. Her work has received a Pushcart nomination, and is published in various journals and anthologies, including the North American Review, The Comstock Review, and the Potomac Review. Jenifer’s poetry collection, One Hundred Steps from Shore, was published by Blue Begonia Press in 2006.

Dan Peters lives in Selah, Washington, and teaches English at Yakima Valley Community College, where he founded the “Writers and Ideas” lecture and reading series. Dan has published two books through Blue Begonia Press: In the Easement of Absent Ties, a chapbook, and The Reservoir. Recently, he coedited Weathered Pages: The Poetry Pole, an anthology published by Blue Begonia. He is also a new addition to the board of the Washington Poets Association.