January 18, 2007

Holly Thomas has lived and written in Seattle for ten years, since emigrating from New York’s Hudson Valley. Her poems have appeared in the anthology Poets Against the War from Thunder’s Mouth Press/The Nation Books, The Hawaii Pacific Review, Pearl (2007), Tundra: The Journal of the Short Poem (forthcoming), and Tattoos on Cedar: Member’s Anthology Volume Two from the Washington Poets Association. Her book-length collection, The Rising, is due out in 2007.

Joannie Kervran Stangeland’s chapbook Weathered Steps was published by Rose Alley Press. Her chapbook A Steady Longing for Flight won the Floating Bridge Press Chapbook Award, and in 2003 she was a Jack Straw Productions artist-in-residence. Her work has most recently appeared in The Chaffin Journal, Journal of the American Medical Association, Rattapallax, and Pebble Lake Review, as well as on the bus. Joannie lives in Seattle with her husband, two teenagers still at home, and an old cat.