Summer Switches

For Summer Lesson times only

Makeup Lesson Policy:

If you are unable to attend a scheduled lesson, you may choose one of the following options:

1- Attend on Zoom 

2- Recorded lesson:  I will record your lesson materials and send you the link(s) to attend at your convenience. 

3- Switch lesson times with another student. You may either switch for another day, or ask a student before or after you to take an hour lesson one week and you the next.

4- *Summer only*:  Summer Switches -- see details below:

Summer-Only Options:
You may use this page to assist you:

Summer Switches

By posting your available lesson time here, you are making others aware that your time is available for them to use.  

It does NOT guarantee that you will find a suitable time to replace it with.

(That said, it always works out.)

Available Times

Remember to check actual lesson dates before posting.  (Calendar HERE)

To post or use one of the times below, simply enter your info HERE  or contact Sonja.

2023 Summer Switch: AVAILABILITY

To use one of the times above, simply contact Sonja (801-367-8248 or

If you feel somewhat competent, and don't think you'll mess up the spreadsheet, just add yourself in the "taken by" column of your chosen time HERE