
Research Participation Pool

University of North Texas

Proposed Policies

RATIONALE: Psychology is a science. The principles that students learn from textbooks and in psychology courses were derived from scientific research studies. To enhance the students’ understanding of the research process in psychology, they are required to satisfy a research component as a part of General Psychology I (1630). The research component of the course will involve the participation in research-related pedagogy during the semester in which the student is enrolled in PSYC 1630.

DATES: The Research Participation Pool (RPP) will be effective for inclusive dates in each semester that it is a course requirement. No participation can begin before the start date of the semester and no credit will be given for participation after the end date of the semester. This policy is intended to allow the RPP Coordinator and associated personnel sufficient time to manage the Pool logistics at beginning and end of semesters. Participants must not participate before or after the designated dates, and Researchers must not arrange data collection sessions at any time outside of the designated dates. The inclusive dates for the RPP will be included in the syllabus of each section of the course and will be posted on the registration material and other RPP documents. Generally, participation will begin on the second Tuesday of each long semester and will end on the Wednesday of pre-finals week. Researchers must have all credits granted by that following Friday, Instructors can start to pull credit reports that Friday at 5pm, please do not pull credit reports prior to that time. It is the repsonsibility of the participant to assign credits to the courses prior to the Friday before exams so the credit reports can be pulled. For the summer session, participation will begin on the first Tuesday of the term and will end on the last Thursday of the term.

REQUIREMENTS: Students are required to earn ten (10) research credits in PSYC 1630 courses. The number of Credits may vary during summer semesters. Students may earn credit by any of the following means, in any combination: 1) The student may volunteer to serve as a research participant in an approved study being conducted by University of North Texas psychology faculty or students. The Institutional Review Board of the University of North Texas will have approved all studies offered through the RPP. Only participation in approved studies will be accepted for RPP credit. 2) The student may complete a written research summary of a published article from an approved psychology journal. All students attempting to fulfill the research component will have to register and request an account through the RPP Experiment Management System (EMS; unt.sona-systems.com).

Credits for research participation: Credits for research participation are determined by the time and effort students are asked to expend, not on the particular outcome of their participation in a study. Credits will be determined in advance by the researcher and posted for the student’s information. Only credits for which the student registers online may be used for research requirement credit. Credit will be assigned according to the following guidelines:

Credits for written research summaries: Four (4) credits will be earned for each satisfactorily completed article summary.  You cannot receive partial credit for a completed summary.  If your summary is missing information, you will receive 0 credits.  Please keep this in mind and consult the instructions for writing summaries (below) when completing your research summaries.

Failure to complete requirements: Each research credit is worth 1% on your final class average. Since there are 10 required credits, completing all 10 research credits is worth 10% of your final class average.

Resolving Discrepancies: If, for some reason, there is a discrepancy between the number of credits recorded by the RPP EMS and the number of credits recorded by the student, the student should contact the RPP Coordinator as soon as possible in order to resolve the difference. The student should retain record slips from each research session in order to verify participation. Any discrepancies must be resolved before the course instructor submits grades.

Other uses of the RPP: Other courses in the department of psychology may, by the instructor’s decision, include a research requirement. These requirements may be satisfied by participation in the RPP. To do so, an instructor (in a course other than PSYC 1630) needs only to notify the RP Coordinator so that the course may be added to the EMS. The number of required credits may vary depending on the instructor, but all other requirements and policies apply to students in these courses.

The RPP may also be used as an extra credit vehicle. Instructors in courses wishing to use research participation as a means of extra credit also need to inform the RPP Coordinator at the beginning of each semester. The policies and procedures for students gaining extra credit through research participation differ from standard participation policies. The procedures and policies for extra credit participation are given in a subsequent section of this document.


Finding a research study in which to participate and signing-up: In order to be eligible for participation in the research studies the student must be at least 18 years old. If a student is not 18 years old, then the student must complete research summaries.

Information about opportunities to participate in research studies will be posted on the EMS website. Students must request a user account at the EMS website. Students may then logon to the website to view timeslots for available research. Information on the website will describe the research study, specify the qualifications for volunteering (such as only seniors, college athletes, etc.), the nature of the research, the number of credits offered, the approximate length of time it will take to participate, and the researcher and faculty sponsor of the research.

Once a student has decided to participate in a particular study, the student will sign-up for the study by clicking an available timeslot. An email is then sent to the student as a record of the sign-up. The researcher may either post predetermined time slots from which students may choose or may contact students with available times. Students MAY NOT sign up for a study more than once, unless the study description explicitly states they may do so. Students will NOT receive credit for redundant participation.

Notices of research opportunities will be posted during the course of the semester as the researchers become prepared to conduct the studies. Therefore, students should expect that there would be fewer offerings at the start and at the end of the semesters. If there are not enough research studies available, or research opportunities are not available when a student can participate, the student may write research summaries to earn their required credits, or propose an equivalent alternative.

Showing-up and participating in the study: If a student signs-up to participate in a study, the student is asked to show-up on time and be prepared to stay for the posted length of time. If the student is late (even by a few minutes), the study may have begun and the student will not be permitted to enter the research session. If this should occur, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the researcher (after the conclusion of the research session).

Information about each current research study will be posted on the EMS website. Information for each study includes the title, time, location, number of credits offered, and researchers’ contact information. Students may consult website if they need to contact the experimenter or find when research sessions will take place.


No-Shows: If a student signs-up to participate in a study, and then fails to show up for said study, the student will receive a no-show for that session. Once a student accumulates 3 no-shows, their account will be permanently disabled. This is 3 no-shows over the length of the account, NOT per semester. When an account is permanently disabled, students may no longer use the SONA system to sign up for research studies. Any credits that have already been earned will still count, students are only banned from further use of the system. As an alternative, students may complete Research Summaries for SONA credits.


Cancellation: If it becomes necessary for the student to cancel participation because of unforeseen circumstances, the student should contact the researcher as soon as possible, so that another participant may be scheduled. Students should call or e-mail the researcher at the phone number or e-mail address posted on the website. Students also have ability to cancel a session through the EMS website. Students can review studies for which they have signed-up. Students can then cancel the session by clicking a button on this page.

Credit for participation: After participation in a study, the researcher will record the students’ credit on the EMS website. Students may check their credits against this posting and immediately report discrepancies to the RPP Coordinator. The RPP Coordinator will resolve the discrepancy by consulting the student and researchers involved. The decision of the RPP Coordinator will be final.

Complaints: In the advent that a researcher fails to attend a session, that a student believes he has been treated unfairly by a researcher, or that the participants have concerns about any aspect of research participation, the student may submit an official complaint to the RPP Coordinator. The Participant Complaint Forms are available from the RPP Coordinator or online at the psychology department webpage.Complaint forms must be submitted in original handwriting and signed by the student. In the event that a researcher is absent from a group participation session, only one student needs to submit a complaint form.


The following guidelines are in place to protect the rights of the participants and must be strictly followed by each researcher using the RPP. Deviations from these guidelines may result in suspension of RPP privileges for the offending researcher and/or the researcher’s supervisor. The RPP Coordinator will correct some minor violations of the guidelines. In such cases, the researcher will be notified. Repeated violations will result in written warnings to the researcher. Accumulation of warnings on the part of a researcher will result in suspension of RPP privileges. Suspension of a researcher is at the discretion of the SONA Coordinator. All researchers should be aware that participation ends on the Wednesday of pre-finals week each semester. To ensure accurate reporting of credits to instructors, researchers must have all credits granted by that Friday.

Before collecting data:

During and after the data collection session:

Researcher cancellation:


The SONA Coordinator is the authority for all procedures associated with research participation. The specific responsibilities of the SONA Coordinator in facilitating research participation are listed here.



NOTICE: Journal article summaries must not be plagiarized. Plagiarism is a form of cheating. If a student is suspected of plagiarism, the RPP Coordinator will investigate the manner. If it is established that the student plagiarized, a penalty will be assessed according to University policy, and the Center for Students’ Rights and Responsibilities may be notified.

Materials: The student must select an article from a scholarly journal in psychology. Articles should meet the following criteria:

The articles must have been refereed.

The following journals are psychological journals published in the U.S., which cover many topics within the discipline. All of them ARE acceptable sources for papers:

Others may be acceptable. The student should obtain permission from the instructor or the RPP Coordinator for any journal not listed.

Writing the summary: All summaries must be typed written, be in prose (not outline form), and conform to proper grammar. Each summary should be 2-4 double-spaced pages. Use 12 point font and double spacing. The student must include a photocopy of the COMPLETE original journal article.

Each summary must include the following information:

Submitting the summaries: Summaries may be submitted at any point in the semester before the last deadline. Please refer to the handout for students on the undergraduate research page for official summary due dates. For summer semesters and other short semesters, summaries are due at 5:00 p.m. the Monday of the last week of class.

Students may submit summaries and research article directly to untsonarep@yahoo.com. If the summary is satisfactory, the student’s credits will be sent to the corresponding professor and student. The student should keep a copy of the summary until grades are received in case there is a discrepancy in the records. If a student’s summary is unsatisfactory, the student will be notified, and the student must resubmit the summary after appropriate revisions. Resubmissions are also due on given date.


Students gaining course extra credit through research participation are subject to restrictions on their participation through the RPP. Likewise, the procedure for acquiring credit differs from that for students completing mandatory course requirements.

Finding a research study in which to participate and signing-up: In order to be eligible for participation in the research studies the student must be at least 18 years old. If a student is not 18 years old, then the student must complete research summaries.

Students seeking extra credit through research participation will follow the same guidelines for signing-up as other research participants. Refer to the Guidelines for Research Participants section of this document for specific procedures.

Showing-up and participating in the study: If a student signs-up to participate in a study, the student is asked to show-up on time and be prepared to stay for the posted length of time. If the student is late (even by a few minutes), the study may have begun and the student will not be permitted to enter the experimental session. These students should notify the researcher that they are seeking extra credit so that the researcher will not include their name on the credit form. If an individual seeking extra credit becomes a chronic NO-SHOW, the RP Coordinator will approach the student’s instructors to discuss possible sanctions including exclusion from research participation. Refer to the Guidelines for Research Participants section of this document for other specific procedures.

Cancellation: Students seeking extra credit through research participation will follow the same guidelines for canceling research appointments as other research participants. Refer to the Guidelines for Research Participants section of this document for specific procedures.

No-Shows: If a student signs-up to participate in a study, and then fails to show up for said study, the student will receive a no-show for that session. Once a student accumulates 3 no-shows, their account will be permanently disabled. This is 3 no-shows over the length of the account, NOT per semester. When an account is permanently disabled, students may no longer use the SONA system to sign up for research studies. Any credits that have already been earned will still count, students are only banned from further use of the system. As an alternative, students may complete Research Summaries for SONA credits.




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