
Anatomy of a Blog

    • Header (title, short description, perhaps a graphic)
    • Sidebar (customizeable)
    • Posts (listed in reverse chronological order)
    • Comments (if allowed; moderated or not)

Create a Blog

    • Choose a topic or theme (primary focus)
      • is it a topic you can write about frequently?
    • Identify your audience (readers)
      • is the topic suitable for public consumption?
    • Choose a platform (web host)
      • you know what you are capable of! Choose a platform that is easy to access, and is easy for you and co-bloggers to post, publish and manage comments
    • Pick a template (color, layout)
    • Add general content
      • 'about' page; disclaimer; blog roll, etc
    • Start blogging!

Medical and Medical Education Blogs A blog about medical education thoughts, news, policy, with tips for medical students and residents Mothers in Medicine is a group blog by physician-mothers, writing about the unique challenges and joys of tending to two distinct patient populations, both of whom can be quite demanding. Vanderbilt School of Medicine student blogs The Renal Fellow Network was created by Dr. Nathan Hellman in 2008. It was developed as way to communicate with and educate nephrology fellows from around the world. Since Nathan's tragic passing in early 2010, the Renal Fellow Network has been maintained by nephrology fellows from around the United States. Thoughts of a moderately strange (yet not harmful) primary care physician. A hospitalist in Northwest Arkansas opining on clinical topics, the interface between medicine and politics and whatever else grabs my attention. Musings in the life of an internist, cardiologist and cardiac electrophysiologist. Created and hosted by John Henning Schumann, general internist and medical educator at the University of Chicago. Social Media resources for health care professionals from Ed Bennett, Univ of Maryland Medical Center A Cartoon Guide to Becoming a Doctor. Lessons on the medical training process from somebody with absolutely no artistic talent Emergency medicine blog by UCSF faculty member Michelle Lin, MD. Many clinical pearls and advice for teaching medical students and residents.