A SOA Journey with Java and Web Services in the Cloud

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A Service Oriented Architecture Journey with Java and

Web Services in the Cloud

In the last years, Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) as well as REST based architectures in the Cloud became more widespread. Several frameworks, either open source or proprietary were developed in order to accelerate the architecture and development of such applications.

SOA comes in many flavours ranging from SOA in a single JVM with OSGI to orchestrated applications based on BPEL, SOAP based web services and RESTful web services. As persistent repositories, these applications are either based on relational database systems or on NoSQL repositories representing non structured data.

Two important crosscutting concerns such as performance and security are presented in several entries along with the near infinite scalability demanded by Cloud based applications.

Architectural templates and a consistent roadmap for IT architecture and security represent one of the main subjects of these entries.

There are many websites specialized in different technical topics and frameworks, this one aims to provide a consistent end- to-end view on service oriented architecture based on JEE and web services in the Cloud.

The information is categorized as follows:

  • Architecture, Java,SOA, OSGI

  • Application Performance Management

  • Cloud, IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, Web Services, NoSQL, Web 2.0, JavaScript

  • Relational Databases

  • SOA End to End Security

containing 698+ pages.

If you are interested in the topics below

  • Service Oriented Architecture

  • SOAP & REST Web Services

  • BPEL

  • OSGI

  • Performance and Scalability

  • Security

  • IT Architecture

  • Open Source Frameworks: Hibernate, Spring, Alfresco

  • Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) v5.0 and 6.0

  • Design Patterns

and want to get a consistent view of all these in a timely manner – then I wish you a pleasant reading.


Find out more: https://sites.google.com/view/andreeatomoiaga