UCAS Teacher Reference

Your tutor will write you a reference which will include subject specific information from each of your teachers.

If you have done anything extra such as work experience, a MOOC, Access to Bristol etc then discuss this with your tutor who can add it to your reference

This will go alongside your predicted grades which are set by your teachers. If you think your predicted grade is lower than you can achieve, please speak to your tutor & subject teachers about this.

A few other things to check - your tutor can add these to your reference to give more context to your application

- Is your address in a Low Participation Neighbourhood? Check on this website https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ugstudy/applying/postcode-check.aspx 

- If your parents/carers did not attend University then your tutor can say that you are the “first generation to attend university within your immediate family”

- If you have previously received Free School Meals and so attracted Pupil Premium funding to your school then this should also be mentioned.

- If you come to us from one of the following schools then your tutor can also say that you “came to us at 16 from a school with low levels of progression to university education”