Art Foundation

What is it?

Art and Design foundation courses are one-year diplomas following on from A levels to prepare you for specialist art and design University degrees. Foundation courses allow you to try different visual arts including drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, fashion, graphic design, photography, 3D design, architecture.

Foundation courses will usually require you to have studied an art and design A level (e.g. fine art, photography, textiles).

What are the benefits?

Exploring different artistic media on a full-time course with expert tutors and great resources will help you decide which art specialism to study at University. It will also allow you to build up a strong portfolio and prepare for interviews. Course tutors can help you to apply for University degree courses and will support your UCAS application.

Where can I study?

You can study at Further Education colleges or Universities. Some Universities will guarantee a place on a degree level arts course upon successful completion of their art foundation course. Foundation courses are all considered equal, it’s up to you to choose where you’d like to study.

If you’d like to continue living at home during your course, you can study art foundation at Bristol School of Art and City of Bristol College.

How can I apply?

You can apply directly to colleges and Universities to study art foundation – look for the art foundation application forms on their websites. There is no limit on the number of foundation courses you can apply for; you can attend Open Days for these courses to help you choose where to apply.

You will need to fill in your qualifications, provide a personal statement and attend a portfolio-based interview. You will also usually need to provide a reference – your tutor can supply this. Please speak to your art teacher, tutor or the progression team if you need support preparing your application or portfolio.

How much does it cost?

For British school leaver under 19 years, tuition is free. Over 19 years, the fee is around £1,300.