Lecture Recordings

Okay, contained here are the lecture recordings from the weeks when my IWB team were in Indonesia, and I recorded the lectures... obviously....from the title

Animal Behaviour 23/03/2010 — Animal Behaviour Tuesday 23rd March 2010. Doesn't start till about 6 minutes 30 seconds into the track. Enjoy

Comparative Physiology 23/03/2010 — CompPhys Tuesday 23 March 2010.

Vertebrate Zoology 17th March 2010 — Wednesday 17th March 2010 - Week 1

Vertebrate Zoology 24/03/2010 — Vertebrate Zoology 24/03/2010 Wed. 1:30h lecture in the lab, finishing up on birds and beginning mammals. There were new students being shown around the labs part way though, so there is an odd break where he's talking to them

Vertebrate Zoology March 22nd, 2010 — Monday Week 2, Vertebrate Zoology