mangled JPEG import

Old SketchUp forum thread, with a useful method of work.

Nick Myatt


Mac OS X 10.5, Adobe CS2, SU 7

Modifying textures in Photoshop, and saving as .jpg. Regardless of whether I use "Save As" or "Save For Web", the resulting .jpgs have an "Adobe Photoshop JPEG" tag. This is an issue discussed in depth at

Importing these textures into SU results in a very strange mangling of the texture in which coloured textures appear greyscale. When zooming they appear to be composed of tightly packed alternating "rainbow" coloured "scan lines".

Using a fix detailed in the linked thread, ("Get Info" > "Opens With" > "Preview" > "Change All"), I can get textures saved using "Save For Web" to render properly, however those saved using "Save As" exhibit the same problem.

Have searched extensively for other reports of this problem, but was surprised to find none (I would have thought SU7 and CS2 are a fairly common workflow combination!). This is quite a mystifying problem, and whilst the root cause may lie with CS and the way it treats jpegs, other apps (Preview etc...) have no trouble rendering them properly.

Any insights?

Colin Holgate


Do you find the problem just with images that came from a camera, or can you create a fresh image in Photoshop and save that as JPEG, and get the problem?

What pixel size is the image?

I'm trying to recreate the problem, but have no issues, at least with Photoshop CS4.



I had the same problem which I posted about just before stumbling across this thread. I was creating a new image using Illustrator CS2 and creating a jpg from the ai file. The save for web feature worked for me but besides that, I can't figure out what's going on. I've created many images that I've successfully imported as textures, but for some reason, this one came out neon trippy washed out. All the textures were pretty much the same size: 300dpi at around 24x36. Pretty, big but it's worked consistently up till now. Just wanted to reply to let you know you're not the only one with this problem.

Thanks for the advice.



With Macs handling colours by default, this is a rather frequent phenomenon especially when it is transferred to a PC.

Make sure to always save your images in plain RGB channels on the Mac and supposedly this will go away. Previously (afaik back in early SU 6) there was also a bug which caused jpegs saved on Macs with EXIF info cause total greyouts in images imported into PC's but I'm not sure it still persists.


This may also be the problem with your other topic but I couldn1t figure out if you uploaded a file or not (and I keep freezing when visiting the files section here)
