Centralize network files?

Archived SketchUp forum thread, with something useful...

Marion Keith


We have 2 network licenses, and several people beginning to use sketchup. Is it possible to point all local C:\ installations to use information from a central networked Library, Materials, and Components directory? Thanks, Marion




yes: window menu; preferences; files.

I made my shortcuts and these files preferences as an importable file that everyone can just download by exporting out via the little right arrow in the upper right corner.

works like a charm, then I can become the "librarian" of the components and materials.

doesn't work for the scripts, they have to be on each machine.





Yes, but there is a workaround for scripts.

In the Plugins folder, create a text file called 'library.rb' or whatever you like.

Open the file in any simple text editor and type:

require 'path/file.rb'

(where "file" is the name of the script to load, prefaced by the "path" to the script library) for each file you want to load.

Of course, this will have to be updated on each machine every time a new script is added to the repository.

Using the same concept, though, you could have the local 'library.rb' only require a single file, called 'list.rb' (or whatever you like) located in the repository. Then you would only have to update 'list.rb' when a new script is added.

The trick would be to make sure all the paths are correct. :)

Hope that helps,




thanks, rick!

i figured it was possible, but not on my knowledge level. I'll have to look into this...
