Sharpening Image

Old SketchUp forum thread with an innovative method of work.


I have created a series of line drawings, exported as a png file into another app. Forwarded via email to client. Client responce as follows:

The lines seem blurred and I cannot read the notations or the dimensions, they are not sharp.

Is there a different setting or export file type I can use to correct this situation ?

Please advise, I need to resolve urgently.

Thank you

Steve Redman




SU exports are at 72 dpi. If I need a nice crisp drawing, I do the following: In the Export 2D Graphic Dialogue Box, go to Options. Uncheck "Use view size" and set a larger image size. I like my images to be 300 dpi for the most part, so if I want a 10" wide image, I set the width to (300 dpi x 10") = 3000 pixels. Then use photo editing software to reset the size and dpi before you send to your client. I usually use JPGs but see no reason why it wouldn't work with a PNG.

I think that pro might have some different options, but I have the free version so I'm not sure about that.




SU 5 used to have these image export options a "Pro only" feature (and before SU 5, there hadn't been a free version). Since SU 6 (for about two years now), they are equally available in the free version, too.




You could also try making your text bigger, by clicking on the lightbulb in the lower left corner, and editing all of the text,

leaders and whatnot at once. A 300 dpi tiff is best for textures and will take a while to export, just be patient. If you don't need

textures, just export a pdf for crisp and clean vector line quality. One of them is bound to work for you yeah? Sounds like you could use either me or Claire to come work for you this summer.