Printing to Scale

Jean answers how to print to scale question below...



I am doing a drawing of a locomotive over the top of a photo.I know the overall length of the loco in 1:1

How do I change the scale in SU to show these 1:1 lengths ?

and part 2

I want to also on a copy of above to delete the 1:1 and show drawing at 1/87 scale and when it prints out it comes out at 1/87. How to ?






If you're on the free version it will be difficult. But with the SU6 Pro version you will have 8 hours of free, fully functional SU to do

it with the Layout Plugin.

Do your model in 1:1 scale (real size) and use the scale function to rescale it. I am not sure it has 1/87 (odd scale you've chosen) in the menu, though.

Hope this helps.


Jean (Johnny) Lemire


Hi Folks.

You can model in any 3D orientation you want and with perspective on if you want but, before printing, make sure you use any standard view (Top, Left, Front, etc) and that perspective is off. You can use Scenes to toggle between any setup that you prefer. You can have one labeled "Modeling" or whatever that will set perspective on and put you in Iso view or any one you choose and another Scene labeled "Printing" or whatever to set SU correctly to allows printing to scale.

When printing, uncheck the box labeled "Fit to page". This will allows you to specify a printing scale. In the fields on the right

part of the dialog window, put 1 in the box labeled "In the printout" and 87 in the box labeled "In SketchUp". Make sure that the units are the same for both boxes.

Check the "Use model extend" to make sure that all of the model will be printed.

Of course, verify that the printout will fit on the paper size you want. For example, a 70 feet long locomotive will print at a bit over 9.5 inches, which is correct for a letter size in landscape mode using small margins.

Just ideas.

Jean (Johnny) Lemire from Richelieu, Quebec, Canada.




Thanks for the info. SU is so good. Just have to sort these little how to do things.

Anyway I should be able to get this to work ok.

