How to print to scale without loosing scale

Check the printer for accuracy in addition to disabling "fit to page margins."




I have been trying to print my drawings to a 1/2" scale. My printer is not big enough to do this so I have to take them to a printing

company. When I transfer my model into adobe the scale seems to be ok. However, the scale is not true when this printing company prints them out for me. The scale is off by maybe 1/8". Does anyone know how to fix this?

Thanks lots!


Al Hart


One thing to watch for is the "fit to page margins" option in PDF.

Make sure the "Page Scaling" in Adobe Reader is set to none.

You can test this better by making a PDF of a small model, with easily measurable dimensions, which will fit on your printer. Print it and measure a line to make sure that it is exact. If it prints properly on your printer then take it to your service bureau to see if they get a different result when they print it.

Also, are you able to print the larger model on your printer and have it truncate only what will fit? (So you can test measurements on your own printer.)