screw threads

Old forum thread with a collection of some innovative methods of work.



Can someone please help me draw the threads of a screw? I have tried the spiral tutorial by (johnny), and can not get past coping the second line. I tried running the screw ruby script and it did not work. Please help.



Some methods of work to generate screw threads... Some Ruby scripts are needed.

Edit: There are some more updated thread tutorials at screw thread? Threads2 and Tapered Twist 9 are an evolutionary outgrowth of this technique. And they are a bit more versatile.

Jean's (Johnny) original thread tutorial is also posted in that thread.

EDIT: there's a new tool to the Space Design plugin that will extrude a profile along a 3D path like a helix without twisting [dead link. This plugin never got past the alpha stage. See Follow Me and Keep and/or Eneroth Upright Extruder.instead]

screw threads.skp




I am trying to create a screw thread similar to those seen on woodworkers cramps. Square sided threads probably describes it.

I have managed to successfully follow the teach on threaded screw threads without any problem but for some reason using this method is not workings on square sided threads.

Is there a separate teach on this please.

I am also interested in a teach on

a making a twist bit

b a spiral router cutter.

if anyone out there has time.

I’ve searched the forum unsuccessfully. I have no knowledge of ruby script.

Thank you,

Alan Wood



You only need a plugin screw3.0 its named 1.5 but its 3.0 really



Hi Juanki

what i meant to say was that at present i cannot use ruby script


alan wood



Dont work screw3? mmm try with this tutorial , i hope this can help you a bit.





thanks for that. i will give it a try


alan wood

Joe Wood


Alan, did you receive the PM I sent you??

Jean (Johnny) Lemire


Hi Alan, hi folks.

For square threads, see attached SU file.



Here's what I do when I want threads that look good, but don't have to be 100%.

I just make a 2D profile of the V threads and then revolve them around the center axis with Follow Me. Yes, the threads don't really go anywhere, there's no helix, but it looks good and it's really hard to tell.




Hello Jean

Thankyou very much indeed for that. Just picked it up.

thanks again for your time.

Alan Wood.



There's a script update to k_tools that will screw things up xxx [dead link]. A keyboard shortcut can be set up to go right to this graph function to avoid going through all of the menus. It will screw more things than just a contour profile. More history and use of this script can be searched on the ruby forum.

Another twisty file. Regardless of how a helical form is made, there are several ways to tweak its shape after it is made. Which is why I may like to start with a helix. Since it is a welded polyline, it is easy to select and manipulate the parts. So its high tweakability factor may make me favor manual modeling methods.

One repository for many scripts listed here in this thread is at

Edit: The file shows some steps utilizing Section Cuts. To make working with section cuts easier, select the section cut and use the Move tool to reposition it as needed - like closer to the center Bounding Box handles from the Scale tool...

Edit 2: A worthy reminder - to help manage the quantity of computer-slowing modeled entities (faces, edges, etc), export an image of the twisty model to a photo program. Make the image a transparent PNG. Import the image back into the SKP file and turn it into a face me component (import, select and explode, crudely trim down, hide the edges, select and make component). Substitute the component for distant views of the model.

Edit 3: A new script called Grow.rb, will grow helical-based models. The most recent version is 2.0 at this writing



Hi Catmountain,

thanks for your time and the links. I can see that i need to get involved with ruby script as a quick and efficient way of making the stuff that i need. Another learning curve


alan wood



Quoting catamountain:

Some methods of work to generate screw threads... Some Ruby scripts are needed.

Inspired by some of the other posts here...

Draw a disc (say 24 segments) in the RG plane. Draw a -single- line from a vertex of it to a point one vertex along, but up a bit (ie in B direction). Select just that line, and make 24 copies each rotated 15deg about the origin. Delete the disc.

Take what's left (looks like a porcupine) and make 24 copies in the B direction so they join up to make 24 helices interwoven. Select all of them; multiple click on just one; delete the rest.

Scale vertically to taste, and replicate.
