
Old forum thread demonstrating a useful method of work.



What is the best workflow to create a building that is crumbled, and ruined?

It is nice that we get those nice crisp edges, but what about buildings that are more aged? Or a castle?

Any ideas?




Just make the castle as you would normally and then leave it out in the weather for 1000-1500 years.Or if you are in a bit more of a hurry, you could try PhotoShop.




I have no problem with the photoshopping... as a matter of fact that is what brought me here. :)

Seriously though, is there a way to "erode" a face? Or will this be something I must take inside of another program, like Vue5?





obviously the model could be set up with sections missing and generally deformed.

In theory the sandbox tools could be used to create an eroded effect on surfaces but I think I would be looking more at a lot of texture work and image mapping.

I cant help much with Vue5 but people do seem to produce a lot of this sort of stuff using Vue.



There's a "rock" forming technique here rockwork that can be applied to shapes other than rocks. And a file below for some techniques.

ruined arches.skp



Catamountain, this is really nice presentation, and you really made a mess of that aqaduct or whatewer it is, that seems like a lot of fun;-))




Wow! That is really cool.

Is this a script that I need to DL? I will search for the auto-fold inside of SU.

Thank you for the info, this really helps.




Your welcome. For the geodesic dome click on the link after "Sketchup::Geodesic" then you get to a page and click on the link after the words "full code".

Autofold is Move+Alt (PC). And sometimes you need to add the Shift key to lock/help control the direction of travel for Autofold.


6-13-15 update: Search the 3D Warehouse for the above mentioned geodesic domes too. Eneroth Fractal Terrain Eroder will create a nice craggy, surface from any model for intersecting purposes.

Glenn (at home)


Quoting catamountain:

There's a "rock" forming technique here that can be applied to shapes other than rocks. And a file below for some techniques.

Yeah, just make it and then start breaking it up. Here is one I did a while back.




I had a little moment of enlightenment today. While a geodesic dome is a nice triangulated base structure to cut up walls, modifying a dome (or a dome part composition) to be craggy, with a mix of hidden and visible lines before you cut up a model and then making it a component would be more useful in the long run.

You can create your own bits o' destruction component folder. You will have all sorts of different cracks/surface deformations (selecting glue to any and checking cut opening may work here), weathering profiles, different poly counts, etc. Modifying/working with an exploded component will free up some time to make more attractive models. If pieces stay as components, they can be made Unique for custom tweaking. Erase+Ctrl (PC) and Erase+Shift are very useful for spot softening and hiding.

This gets me thinking.... Thank you for your original posting.

Chris Fullmer


hhhmmm cat, I like the crack component idea.

Chris Fullmer



You will have all sorts of different cracks/surface deformations (selecting glue to any and checking cut opening may work here), weathering profiles, different poly counts, etc. Modifying/working with an exploded component will free up some time to make more attractive models. If pieces stay as components, they can be made Unique for custom twicking. Erase+Ctrl (PC) and Erase+Shift are very useful for spot softening and hiding.

This gets me thinking.... Thank you for your original posting.

No problem. Once I know enough to be able to figure out half of what you just said, then I will be good to go. :)


Who always want to be of some use, even as a newbie