Problems with groin vaults

Old forum thread with several SKP tutorials on ways to create groin vaults.

Mike Schotte



I'm a new user with only a few hours of modeling time under my belt. I'm having troubles with making groin vaults work in Sketchup and am hoping for some help.

I can model the crossing vault just fine as solid entities (except sometimes the corners where the curved surfaces meet at the groin disappear)- but when I try to extrude out or cut into the "void" spaces underneath to reveal the vaulted ceiling, I'm not having any success.

After looking at some of the well thought out responses and tutorials on this board- and was hoping someone might be able to point out my problem. (my groin vault model is attached.)

I'm only experimenting with crossing arched vaults now- but eventually I'm going to need to create elliptical crossing vaults of differing widths... so any advice on how to import a "profile" arch line that I can model to would also be appreciated.



groin vault.skp



Mike- double click on the upper surface of one of the vaults. Then right click and choose intersect with model. Now click the surface that occupies the void and delete it. repeat this for the other surface completing the vault.

Jean Lemire


Hi Mike, hi folks,

See attached SU file for ideas.

Jean (Johnny) Lemire from Richelieu, Quebec, Canada.


Mike Schotte


Thank you very much. I was able to solve my problem with Steve's advice, but Jean's tutorial was outstanding and much appreciated.

My next task will be to import the actual ELLIPTICAL arch profile that I need from AutoCad and try to build this vault as it will really be.

I appreciate your time!


Jean Lemire


Hi Mike, hi folks.

See attached SU file for ideas.

Jean (Johnnny) Lemire from Richelieu, Quebec, Canada.




Another technique utilizing Push/Pull+Ctrl (PC) to create a vaulted effect...


Gidon Yuval


Hey Mountain Cat!

Beautiful tutorial.

I never thought of working in X-ray view like that. I'd only used it as a presentation tool for effect (showing all the different fixtures inside the kitchen units etc.).

Promptly filed and tucked away for safe keeping.

