How to draw this

Old forum thread which happens to contain catamountain's first tutorial ;)



Hi all,

I have just been asked to update a 3d that I have done recently for a client, they want me to swap the light fittings with a rather odd one, (see attached image)

The fitting is around 450mm (17") Diameter

I am going to have a go, but just wondered if anyone has any method suggestions.

I've also attached an image of the main 3d.

Thanks in advance


Ross Macintosh


Simon -- this is a good example of why its good to join FormFonts. The artichoke fixture modelled well by Allister is already in their collection. You can see it here. If you were to make it yourself it might take hours. By joining FormFonts those hours can instead be spent on something chargeable. Alternatively you might even be able to pass on the FormFonts cost to your client as an expense -- as joining saves you from drawing it and other useful components.



Thanks Ross,

I am a member of Formfonts and did'nt even think to look there because I thought it was a unique fitting.

The one in formfornts is similar but not the same, just wondering how it will look when used in the 3d, The client is being a bit picky.




Doing this little tutorial seemed like a good way to avoid figuring out my taxes...

pinecone light fixture.skp



Hi Simon,

just taken a look at your visual. I love the texture effect you have got over the whole image. How exactly did you do this, I assume it was done in Photoshop? I'd like to use this in my current project because I think sometimes SU can appear a bit flat when printed.



Quoting chelle:

Hi Simon,

just taken a look at your visual. I love the texture effect you have got over the whole image. How exactly did you do this, I assume it was done in Photoshop? I'd like to use this in my current project because I think sometimes SU can appear a bit flat when printed.


I exported the SU model into Piranesi, very quick results once you've dicovered the technique to use, If you want to send me your model i'll give you quick idea,

Thanks for the comments

