Overlaying 3D models over photographs

Old SketchUp forum thread dating before Match Photo was added to the program.



I have recently began using SketchUp. My goal is to create 3D models in SketchUp and then overlay the 3D models onto photos of existing sites.

So far I have exported my models as 2D graphics, then combined that with my site photos using Photoshop. My trouble is getting my models perspectives to precisely match those of my photographs.

What would be the best way to aproach my work? Any direction or advice on will be appreciated.





Try searching this forum for Vitrite - or Google it. Vitrite makes your windows transparent so you can work with SU and have the image open behind it. (I'm not sure if this works for Macs or just PCs.)

Wyatt Thompson




I like using the method illustrated by Michael Young in this thread:

photo alignment




Thanks for the advice.

I have been playing with "Vitrite" application. Seems like a nice quick and dirty solution to getting the 3D model aligned properly on the image. The only problem I had noticed was that while my window is using transparancy, I lose control in Sketchup.

Only when the window is fully opaque, can I make adjustments to my models perspective. Do you experience the same problem? As a reslut, I just have to toggle between semi transparant and fully opaque and make my perspective changes to my model incrementally.

Next I am trying the Michael Young solution. Although that looks complex at first glance. I will have to see how it works first, I guess.

Thanks again for the help. SketchUp is very addictive. I hope I eventually make some nice 3D overlays. If anyone else has any suggestions or advice, please let me know.

Thanks, RALPH



Ralph, I don't seem to have that problem. It's sometimes difficult to see the buttons, but they are there and they work, as do the shortcuts. Try Ctrl-Shift and the "+" key. That allows you to toggle which window stays on top - it may be that you "lose" SU functionality b/c you're no longer in the SU window.




I've tried using Vitrite to change the transparancy of amodel in SU without any luck. The tool bars and menues go to the level of transparency that I select but the model page just goes to a transparent gray with no model image. I'd like to be able to overlay a model on a photo. Does anyone have this same issue.





George, it probably depends on video cards and/or drivers. I described something similar recently in another thread about vitrite and similar tools. The workaround is not to make SU transparent, but the other window that has the 2D picture in it. The bad thing about that solution is that your overlay disappears behind your SU window when you continue editing the 3d view, fortunately alt-tab still works to jump back and forth fast



I use the Ctrl-Shift-1 setting and even that is almost too much, but it gives me enough visibility to work with the model - anything higher than 1 is impossible to see. Maybe that's my graphics card. I'd be interested to know if anyone has a graphics card that allows them the full functionality of the transparency features.



Maggy, I suspect you're right about the graphics card and driver. I'm running an nVidia Qudro FX GO1400 and I know that transparancy is enabled, but I think SU overrides the transparancy function that is enabled through the driver; the driver is a Dell driver specifically for a laptop and the 1400, and recently updated. I've tried the jump back and forth technique and the side by side technique with acceptable results; I'm just looking for more accuracy or an easier way to to get a direct overlay.

Wyatt, I'll try the Ctrl-Shft-1 setting and see what happens.

Thanks for your suggestions; I'll let you know what happens.



I had the same problem. The controls The SU application and controls go semi transparant. But the work area goes copmpletely dark grey. That seems to happen when I first select a transparancy level (ie CTL+SHIFT+7). Then after it happens, if I select a new level of tranparancy (ie CTL+SHIFT+6), the everything shows up with the proper level of transparancy.

My problem is that I whil semitranparant, I can use the SU tools. I know the window is active. For instance. While transparant, I will try to use the rotate tool to rotate the model. I see the tool is active by the icon symbol. But when I try to rotate the model, nothing appears to happen. But when I return to the fully opaque state, i see that the model did in fact rotate. It's just the work area did not update itslef to reflect the change while in the transparant state. While fully opaque, the tools seem to work normally.

I triend messing with the video overlay settings, I even disabled the video hardware acceleration. But no luck.