How to Rotate Textures 180 deg?

Old forum thread covering some methods of work.



Is there a simple way to rotate a texture an exact amount? 180 degrees? 90 degrees? 23 degrees? Right clicking the surface, selecting texture>position and grabbing the green handle rotates but I can’t easily get to 180 or any specific desired angle, I’m not sure if I’m exactly on 180, I’m not sure if the scale has changed too. I wish there was a VCM to put in the desired rotation and I wish it wasn’t combining scale and rotation. Any help?




Gully Foyle



Once you've activated the Position Texture and see the pins, you can right-click the texture a second time and get a context menu that includes a Rotate option. This gives you the choices of rotating exactly 90, 180, or 270 degrees. Other rotations, such as 23 degrees, though, are difficult to nail exactly, just as you said. I agree that

this is a weak and finicky adjustment, and I also hate the combination of rotation and scale on a single control.





Rotating texture accurately (say 12.873 degrees or whatever) is quite easy. See next uploaded file: (RotateTexture.skp) [dead link]

You only need geometry to snap to and some exact line (at green pin) where to start and of course an exact center on geometry. Because the red position pin (like the others) snaps to geometry you can locate the center at a strategic location. See the file. As long as you stay on the blue arc while rotating you will not even (re-) scale the texture.




Thanks guys. That solved a lot of problems.

Wo3Dan, your technique is neat and very helpful. To Sketchup I would

say it is not very easy or fast.




I don't have pro, but here is a solution I use for freebie SU. It uses a small square to first prep your texture, then apply the modified texture to your model.

1. Off to the side of your model, draw a small square surface with Rectangle tool.

2. Select this surface. With Rotate tool, rotate the square the exact number of degrees that you want for your texture. You can type this value in Measurements window.

3. Paint the desired texture onto the rotated square surface.

4. Right click on square and choose Texture/Position from Context menu.

5. Slide the Red pin to nearest corner of square so that it snaps into position.

6. Rotate Green pin to edge of square so that it also snaps into position. Doing this rotates the texture the same number of degrees as the square was rotated. Notice that a small construction arc is drawn as you move the Green pin. Following this arc allows you to retain the same texture scale.

7. Select the Paint Bucket tool.

8. In the Materials dialog box, choose the Eye Dropper tool and sample the rotated texture on the small square surface. This loads the Paint Bucket with rotated texture.

9. Paint the rotated texture onto the surface of the model.

10. Delete small square.