"Follow Me" does NOT seem to work on small diameters?

Old forum thread explaining how to create small models.




First posting so bear with me.

I've downloaded the free version 7, and I want to make a torus (round cross section ring) which I can do but not of the dimensions I require?

I first lay down a circle on the blue axis and make a radius of 6mm, I then delete the surface and leave the circle periphery. I then construct another circle on either the red or green axis and fix it to an end point on the first larger circle periphery at a smaller diameter of 0.8mm.

I then select the larger diameter and then select the follow me tool clicking on the face of the second smaller circle.

What happened is that the smaller circle vanished? If I perform exactly the operations on larger diameters it works perfectly.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?




One of the things you'll quickly learn is that SU does not like tiny numbers, so if you are doing machanical type dwgs it is better to scale up and then, once complete scale back down again.



Thank you for your help. I tried the TubeAlongPath plug in but it crashed!



It's a resolution problem. Do a 3D Scale up (say 10x) redo your follow me and then scale the resultat torus back down (1/10th)

That will do the trick

Jean (Johnny) Lemire


Hi Nuvorigo, hi folks.

Generally, any side less than about 1/16 inch or 1 mm will not allow a face to close. This is true with the use of any tool that creates surfaces, like the "Follow me" Tool. The workaround is, as stated by Noel, to scale up the model and scale it down at the end. SU will keep a face closed after it has been closed, even if it is brough to a very small size. If a factor of 10 is not enough, try 100 or even more. Be aware that SU will not accept a facteor of 0.001 to reverse a 1000 factor. Do it in 2 steps, first with 0.1 and then with 0.01 or the reverse.

Just ideas.

Jean (Johnny) Lemire from Richelieu, Quebec, Canada.