Three Button Mouse Problems

Old SketchUp forum thread with some useful troubleshooting.



I am an intermediate level user of Sketch Up, and for some reason when I opened my model today the rotate command was not working when I depressed the scroll wheel on my mouse. I have a new cordless Logitech mouse, and instead of rotating when I depress the scroll wheel, it tries to zoom in. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Gully Foyle


> Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Yeah, although what you're trying to do is not rotating, it's orbiting. Rotating is when you spin an object around; orbiting is when

you move the camera (your point of view) around a stionary object.

Go to your mouse driver application and change the function of your scroll wheel button to "middle button." You may have to look for that function on a list of "Other Functions."




Thank you so much!
