the white background of the cursor

Old SketchUp forum thread, troubleshooting this now rare issue.



there is a white background for any of the tool icon, when you select the tool and try to use it in the sketchup. sometimes, the white background blocked the elements which i want to work on. it is kind of ignoring. can i turn it off or have to change any settings (configuration)?

thank you.

Gully Foyle


You didn't state what OS you're using. On a PC, go to Display Properties > Settings (right-click on the desktop or select from the

Control Panel). You will probably find that you have 8-bit (256 colors) or 16-bit (64,000 colors) selected. Change that to 24-bit or

32-bit (True color/millions of colors).




As the display color setting is OK, then the next thing to look at is the graphics driver. Try updating the driver.



thank you, Gully.

my setting is 32 bit already. by the way, i am using sketchup 6.



HI Gully,

I am having the same problem, white box instead of curser, except I am

using a mac. Any ideas?

Thanks Jeanne