Missing tasks bars

Old SketchUp forum thread with still useful troubleshooting.



My materials, components and other tasks bar dont appear on my screeneven though they are marked to do so. I have tried restarting and opening up other files but this doesnt fix it. How can I rectify this problem!

Gully Foyle



What is your platform (e.g., Windows XP, Mac) and do you have more

than one monitor?




Windows XP and Yes I have 2 monitors, sometimes when I minimisesketchup then enlarge it again it will appear on the second screen but it has completly stopped doing that all together now.

Gully Foyle



You've got a similar setup to mine, and I've lost a browser every now and then myself. What seems to happen is the browsers are still there, but they get shoved off-screen somehow. Seems to happen more on dual-monitor systems more often, especially if you change resolutions.

The way I get them back is by following this procedure. Do it for each missing browser, one at a time.

First, you want to give the browser focus, so you should select that browser from the Window menu, even if it already has a plus next to it (if it does, click it twice so it ends up with a plus and is the last thing selected. It should then have focus, even though you can't see it.

Then, you want to open its system menu using the keystroke Alt-Spacebar, then put it in Move mode by hitting M. At that point you should be able to scoot it around with the arrow keys. What you can do is to hit any arrow key once and then move your mouse back and forth, up and down, without pressing any mouse buttons. If all goes well, you should see the missing browser moving around with the mouse. Once the thing is back on-screen, click the left mouse button or hit Enter, and you should have it back.

Then proceed to the next missing window, and so on.

Good luck, and let us know how you make out.


Gully Foyle


I beg your pardon: active browsers seem to get a check, not a plus.Same deal, though.




OH THANKYOU SO MUCH!!! It worked! I can finally finish my models!



That right there is a very sneaky and effective method of recovering dialogs! Thank you for posting this solution! I've been a Windows user for a long time, and have used multi-monitors for quite some time as well, but never realized the arrow keys were active for the Move function. I'm smacking my head on my desk now, for my ignorance at such a simple concept! Can you hear it? LOL

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

On Sep 25, 5:04 pm, Gully Foyle wrote:

> Ann,


> You've got a similar setup to mine, and I've lost a browser every now

> and then myself. What seems to happen is the browsers are still there,

> but they get shoved off-screen somehow. Seems to happen more on dual-

> monitor systems more often, especially if you change resolutions.


> The way I get them back is by following this procedure. Do it for eachmissingbrowser, one at a time.


> First, you want to give the browser focus, so you should select that

> browser from the Window menu, even if it already has a plus next to it

> (if it does, click it twice so it ends up with a plus and is the last

> thing selected. It should then have focus, even though you can't see

> it.


> Then, you want to open its system menu using the keystroke Alt-

> Spacebar, then put it in Move mode by hitting M. At that point you

> should be able to scoot it around with the arrow keys. What you can do

> is to hit any arrow key once and then move your mouse back and forth,

> up and down, without pressing any mouse buttons. If all goes well, you

> should see themissingbrowser moving around with the mouse. Once the

> thing is back on-screen, click the left mouse button or hit Enter, and

> you should have it back.


> Then proceed to the nextmissingwindow, and so on.

Gully Foyle


> Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And I never realized what polite creatures dead weasels are. You are

most welcome.
