Gray border on the left and right side?

Old SketchUp forum thread with some useful troubleshooting.

Todd Burch


That's a modified aspect ratio for the Camera. It can be set via the Film and Stage Plugin, or manually via the Ruby Console.




How did this file one file get a gray border on the left and right side and how do I turn this off?

Gully Foyle


Or, you can use this free plugin you can get from Todd's own website:


Gully Foyle


> Thanks for nod towards Todd's plugin!

That plugin was written by Rick Wilson, one of Todd's collaborators on

> that gets it but it does return

> if I resize the window?

Aspect ratio is a camera setting; it is not directly related to window size.

> and why does it only do it per this file,

> while all other files are fine? seems like a file setting that i have

> turned on somehow?

As to why or how it happened, I couldn't say; I think we've heard a couple of isolated reports of this happening under equally mysterious circumstances in the past. But you're right--it is a per-file setting, and the setting is aspect ratio. So just fix it and move on, and if it happens again, you'll know what to do.




Use the plugin to set the aspect ratio to 0. If there is no dialog to set it, you can type the following line into the Ruby Console window to make the camera aspect ratio match the view:



If you try to export a 2D raster image, you will find that you cannot do it by a custom aspect ratio only by the current window ratio. For some reason, there is no built in customization of the camera aspect ratio in SU (although sometimes it would come handy).

It does exist however as you can see from those grey bands and often accessed via ruby plugins. The same way ruby plugins (or simple ruby commands as Jim suggests it) can fix it "back" for you.

Don't contemplate too much how and why it happened; as Gully says, it just happens once in a while.
