google earth export opens Photoshop CS4

Old SketchUp forum thread with some good troubleshooting.



I have a really strange experience on the MAC, I import Google earth maps, do my sketchup thing and then hitting the export button ( place mode ) it opens Photoshop CS4

I am unable to change the file association of KMZ files on my mac, it defaults back to PS.

any ideas anyone... it drives me nuts

SketchUp Guide Tommy


Hi web_wallace,

That's strange indeed. I suggest ensuring that the file association with KMZ is set to open with Google Earth. You can read more about changing file associations on the following page:




I have tried that same process, but once i select continue to change the file association, it reverts back to Photoshop.

SketchUp Guide Tommy


Hi Everyone,

The good news is that this doesn't appear to be a wide spread issue. I searched for [mac associate kmz with photoshop] and this post is the top result :-). After a little brainstorming, I suggest changing the file association to Google Earth once more then repair disk permissions:

1. Restart your computer.

2. Open a Finder window.

3. Click "Applications."

4. Click "Utilities."

5. Double-click "Disk Utility."

6. Select your hard drive.

7. Select the "First Aid" tab.

8. Click "Repair Disk Permissions."

9. After the permissions are repaired, exit Disk Utility.

10. Please repeat steps one through nine once more.




I've got this problem also. It started happening to me right after I installed CS4 upgrade a couple of weeks ago. Adobe can duplicate the problem, but says it's APPLE's problem.

I've tried all of the suggested solutions, including the "Repair Permissions" and none have worked for me.

Anyone have any other ideas?





Same here, exact from the day i installed CS4 i couldn't place the model anymore. None of the suggested ideas did work.

Looking forward for a solution.




I was having this same problem trying to KMZs to open with Google Earth Pro. I found a post that about another app that stated "copy the app and folder to another location and delete the original folder and app and then change the default app." In my case I just moved CS4 set the default app for KMZ and then moved CS4 back, all seems to be working.



After the following process everithing worked fine again: - Copy the apps: Photoshop CS4, SketchUp and Google Earth to your


- Delete the abovementioned apps in your apps folder

- Reset the access rights (file association) to the apps and a kmz

File. (i.e. with BatChmod >

- Move the abovementioned apps back to your apps folder

- Done

Good Luck


SketchUp Guide Tommy


Hi zyber and markp,

Many thanks for posting a fix for this, rather odd, issue. Hopefully

these steps will help others that have encountered this issue.