Error Messages

Old SketchUp forum thread with some useful information.

Ron C


While using Sketchup Pro, periodically a pop-up comes on the screen that states: "access to 0.skb was denied". There is no performance degredation nor anything to do but close out this anoying pop-up. Any way to stop this anoyance?



Most likely, you are starting SketchUp from a shortcut icon. Right- click on your SketchUp shortcut and look into its properties. Does the "Start In" field references the following path: "C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6"?

If so, this path tells SketchUp Pro 6 to run from within the Program application folder ... which you may not have access to.

The default (standard) "Start In" value for SketchUp Pro 6 shortcuts is a blank field. With the field being blank, SketchUp runs from

within the user's profile folder ... which is open for write/modify access.

Clear the "Start In" field in your SketchUp shortcut see if this stops the 0.skb errors.

SketchUp Guide Tommy


Hi Everyone,

Good call Ed. This issue is definitely related to permissions. Usually, it's due to insufficient permissions to a particular folder, like the one Ed provided, as opposed to system wide permissions.




Sounds like a FAQ page item.

So it would be nice to have some feedback if the suggestion worked.

SketchUp Guide Tommy


Great idea catamountain. Have you had any luck yet Ron C?

Many thanks.