Basic troubleshooting for Mac

Archived SketchUp forum thread, with something useful.



As a result of all the Mac issues that keep comming up I went to the Apple site to search for some usefull tips. Here are a number of them, that will give you some basic insight into how Mac OS functions, and how you can do a little troubleshooting yourself:

1. "My application quit unexpectedly"

This explains, among others, how Mac OS temporarily resets the applications preferences:

2. "Isolating issues in Mac OS X":

3. "Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck"

To add to the last suggestion of Apple in the "Isolating issues in Mac OS X" article -to bring your computer to a dealer- here is a

discription how to test with Disk Utility first, and where you can find it:

BE AWARE. Don't start up in single users mode, unless you're comfortable with UNIX:

To switch back to the Mac OS X interface, type reboot and press the Return key.

4. "Application Issues and Basic Troubleshooting"

Although ancient, I believe this one is usefull too. It's about OS 9 and explains a little about dealing with conflicting extentions. This

doesn't seem to be supported by SO X anymore, but a control panel in System Preferences is easily disabled. There is an extentions manager in Sketchup though, under preferences:

5. There is a nice Mouse Utility, that seems to be able to disable Apple's mouse settings better than others, like Logitecs (although I didn't thoroughly test this):

6. Don't forget the usefull links on this site. Start here:

SketchUp Sage/Mac Issues

SketchUp Guide Vicky


Hi bob,

Just wanted to say thanks for this really great proactive post. A

little education goes a long way toward solving problems. W appreciate

the help!
