Recommended driver for GeForce 8800GT

Notable, old forum thread.

SketchUp Guide Tommy


Hi Everyone,

Many of you may recall that there's a known issue with SketchUp and the NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT graphics card. After extensive testing and coffee, we found an old drvier from NVIDIA that appears to resolve the issue:

If you're going to use this driver make sure that you uninstall your current video card driver and reboot your computer first.




That's great news, Tommy...

...but how do we make sure your essential notice remains readily-available in the months to come?

A 'sticky' ? Or, perhaps, adding it to the 'Fixing Problems' FAQ page? (Gully & I have noticed that Help Group members aren't authorized to edit content on that page.)




SketchUp 6.0.515 / Free version

Windows XP Pro / SP3

DELL Precision M90 / 2 GB RAM

nVidia Quadro FX 1500M / 256 MB

SketchUp Guide Tommy


Good call Taff :-). This post is now sticky.

Regarding the "Fixing Problems" FAQ page, I apologize for the oversight. You should be able to edit the page now. Perhaps this could be your first contribution to the page ;-).


p.s. I sent you an email about being a SketchUp Sage. Are you interested in becoming one? Who here thinks Taff should be a SketchUp

Sage? ;-)

Jean (Johnny) Lemire


Hi Tommy, hi folks.

I think that Taff should be a sage, if he wants.

Just ideas.

Jean (Johnny) Lemire from Richelieu, Quebec, Canada.



It's so obvious that Taff should be a sage.

Get in there boyo.



Taff isn't a sage? How can that be, he even helped me with PhotoShop!



Yes, Taff IS a sage. I think more than me (at least he knows things about computers and has EXACT knowledge of SU and maths unlike me ;).

Please, list him, as well!

And thanks for the info, Tommy!




On Jun 17, 12:27 pm, SketchUp Guide Tommy <> wrote:

> Regarding the "Fixing Problems" FAQ page, I apologize for the > oversight. You should be able to edit the page now. Perhaps this could > be your first contribution to the page ;-).


Thanks for the permissions fix, Tommy



I learn something from every post Taff makes so I'll add my vote to recognizing him as the sage that he is.

I'll bet he even has some grey hairs to go along with the title.




Um, I just thought of something.

You've made this thread sticky because of the graphics card info, which is appropriate to have up front and permanent, but here we are polling about Taff's sagehood, and that seems to me to be even more fleeting than most posts -- it becomes obsolete as soon as his status is settled (not to imply that kudos to Taff should be transitory).





I would agree that there's less benefit from singling-out this thread to be sticky, now that the 'Fixing' FAQs page includes a copy of Tommy's pertinent information. Visitors should be able to easily find it there.

That brings to mind a question -- Does the Google Group 'search' engine also look for results in the webpage (FAQs) section, or is it limited to the discussion threads?


On 6/18/08, August <> wrote:

Um, I just thought of something.

You've made this thread sticky because of the graphics card info,

which is appropriate to have up front and permanent....

Gully Foyle


I believe it was I (ahem) who first proposed that Taff's sageness be officially recognized, itself a rather sage-like act.


SketchUp Guide Tommy


It's decided then - Taff is a SketchUp Sage. Congrats :-D. I'll email you separately Taff so I can grab a profile from you.

For the rest of you SketchUp Sages, if you don't send me a profile soon, I'm going to make up one for you - and I have a very vivid imagination ;-).

Regarding your question Taff, the Groups search engine doesn't include the Pages. However, I made a Custom Search Engine that DOES include the pages:

I agree that this topic has veered off course. That's ok, it happens :-). For now I'm going to make this post un-sticky. If others report problems with 8800s, we can point them to this discussion and the FAQ.




Hello All,

I'm brand new here. I just got a new PC, with a nvidia 8800GT card. Only today I learned that there was such a thing as SketchUp. It just looked so cool and easy (I watched some of the videos on the website). So I downloaded this program, and yes it really IS both cool and easy,


Even going thru the initial tutorial, I noticed my screen regularly jumping all over the place, making it difficult to proceed. Thought it was just the tutorial, but that's what it does all the time, big disappointment.

I don't seem to be able to put a picture in here, but this is what it looks like:

Then I went to this site to find some answers/help, and found this posting. But I'm very hesitant to install an OLD driver, since other programs that I need to use require me to run the very latest drivers.

Does this then mean I cannot use this program at all??

Hope you can and will help a newbie out here.





ok, now it does



I just posted but it doesn't show????




You can take a look at SketchUp's normal appearance and behavior, if you turn off SketchUp's use of graphics hardware.

If you do this, you should note that SketchUp will run much slower, as all calculations will then have to be processed exclusively by software. However, all the tools, and the display, will continue to work correctly, allowing you to get a feel for SketchUp.

If you want to try it, go to 'Window > Preferences > OpenGL > Acceleration" and uncheck the box "Use hardware acceleration"




Thank you so much for quick help. In the meantime I discovered that when I save a project and then close Sketchup, then reopen Sketchup and open the project, I can work on it without this problem. Odd? Maybe I was just lucky? Anyway, I think this is the coolest thing since sliced bread, so I'm determined to make it work one way or the other.

Thank you again for your useful tip. Could you also tell me how to get

rid of the man that shows up when I start a new project??? (I know, I

really AM new)



Simply select 'him' (mouse-click, so it's bounding box shows blue.) Then hit <del> key.

Since you're a novice, you should start reading the Users Guide:

This can be accessed online, using the above address, or by clicking on 'Help' on the SketchUp menu bar (both methods lead to the same internet address.)



Yes, I know, and I did watch the videos and also did some tutorials. I was just so impatient to get started on my own. And I'm doing fine,

just didn't think of deleting the "man", duh. Thanks again for being

kind to a newbie like me.



> I just posted but it doesn't show????

Bugs me too. It says the post has been received but it's not on the page. If you reload the page it will be there.

I think some engineer at Google thought this was an "optimization" but it's confusing and annoying.

You'll get used to it.

I hope this helps,




tried that drive still have same problems.......

brand new computer (alienware) 512MB GeForce 8800GT; 2GB ram; 2.81GHz


sketchup is my main program, been using it for over 3 years on

numerous computers, this is the most expensive, fastest machine i've

used, it works great except for sketchup, it's driving me nutz!!! help-

please! any other suggestions?